Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Tech hacks: 5 Email Marketing Hacks

1)  Collect email addresses everywhere
Of course you have a form on your blog to collect email addresses but don’t stop there! You can also find them all over the Internet. Big data collects more email addresses than you can imagine, and they're at your disposal if you know where to look.
Use pop-up forms and interstitial ads to accumulate even more addresses when people visit your website. You can also collect them on social media platforms. By using a Lead Generation Card on Twitter, for example, you can gather email addresses for free.

2)  Personalization
Emails that use personalization in the subject line or salutation receive 26% more opens. Greeting prospects by name can help humanize your brand, making it feel more like an email from a friend than an email from a business. We like our friends more than we like people trying to sell things to us, but 70% of people say they will always open an email from their favorite companies. Break the barrier and be that favorite company!

3)  Frequency of email marketing
We do want to bug people with business emails too often or too less. People can get annoyed if they received too much emails from the same business thus at the end of the day, they will just ignore the email. Make sure the email is short and simple – just straight to the point!

4)  Ask someone to respond
It is easy to overlook at important emails. If you have a large email list, you are likely getting replies that you never see. It is so important to have a real inbox where replies can be monitored. What if someone just needs one last bit of information before becoming a customer? Or worse, what if someone replies and never hears back, left to assume you don’t care about their needs. Thus, it is important to have someone from the company to reply emails as soon as possible.

5)  Optimize for mobile devices
Statistic shows that, 55% of emails are now opened on mobile devices and 71% of emails  do not display correctly will be deleted immediately. An email not formatted for mobile compatibility is guaranteed to generate an abysmal click-thru rate. All emails should be designed responsively, and you should review them on multiple platforms before sending to ensure that they are formatted correctly in both HTML and text, desktop and mobile, and even in different internet browsers.

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