Tuesday, 9 April 2013

How to prevent flu or treat flu?

Assalamualaikum and hello!

Exams just ended and i am having my light flu. I am starting to not consuming medicines from the hospitals or clinics. Those medicines can really harm our kidney if we consume too much and always. So,beware friends. Please start to not taking medicines. Eating fruits and vegetables are the best way to prevent flu.
We do know that eating fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C will help to keep our immune system strong. Load up some citrus fruits, oranges, kiwis, papayas and strawberries which rich in vitamin C. Try this and i bet it will work on you because it works on me. 

Alas, flu, cough and sore throat come in a package. Also we tend to feel itchy around the area of our eyes and nose. This is normal. Unbearable. But it's ok. Load some fruits and have a sleep. InsyaAllah you will feel better. Gargle some listerine or salt water (make one) to lessen your sore throat. Oh you can suck on Dequadin or Eclipse mints. (i always do these and they works on me. I prefer eclipse coz the menthol really eases my throat)

Make fruits part of every meal. Nowadays we tend be so busy and end up not eating fruits. REMEMBER! eat fruits before your meal. Make it as a habit to balance up your diet. For light and healthy breakfast, you can consume some berries or banana and a cup of honey drink or chinese tea. DON'T SKIP YOUR BREAKFAST!

Here, i wanna share one healthy nutrition that everyone needs to consume which is tadaa!! HERBALIFE . Easy and it is healthy. The fastest breakfast you can make. I consume it and alhamdulillah i am healthy. For more information, you can call my friend Nia. I 100% recommend Herbalife to you  coz it is what our body needs actually.

A REMINDER! Sakit itu penghapus dosa. Semasa sakit, Allah tarik nikmat kesihatan kita, rezeki kita dan dosa kita tetapi setelah itu Dia beri semula kesihatan dan rezeki semula tetapi tidak memulangkan dosa langsung. Subhanallah , He is The Most Merciful.

HEALTH IS THE REAL WEALTH! Have a Happy Day ^____^ 


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