Last week on 19th April 2013 till 21st April 2013 i went back to my granny's home. It was just 1 hour plus to arrive there.Very near to my house.
We had dinner together and my dad's cousin was there with his wife and kids. Simple dinner. Nothing special.
The next morning, I did some sorta home made scrubbing with my dad's sister (my mak long aka aunt). RICE + DAUN LIMAU PURUT (blended). It looks like this. Greyish colour.
My aunt pour some turmeric powder into the RICE + DAUN LIMAU PURUT mixture and blend it well in a bowl (she added some water). Basically, our sunny morning = scrubbing session. It was awesome coz i haven't been scrubbing the whole body of mine since 3 weeks ago coz i was so busy with my final exams. Now i got the opportunity, i feel so clean. My body is clean now ! weeeeeeee~ Thanks mak long for scrubbing my body! My granny made kuih kaswi and we fried chicken nuggets for breakfast
TIPS: Just blend raw beras with daun limau purut in a blender. Do not use water. Just blend it like that. Then put the mixture in a bowl and put a bit of water. Mix it and then start scrubbing. Original and natural scrub. You can put some turmeric powder like i did.
We waited for my aunt's daughter to come back and later at the evening we went to TESCO. We bought some things for dinner and went home. I got my Walls oreo ice cream , orange juice TWISTER and my aloe vera mask by Watson weeeeeeeeeeee so happy ^___^ energy boosters! We did some crazy stuffs at the TESCO... check it out . sila tekan ---> THE VIDEO hahahaha ( i had never done this before and idky it was so fun. It miight be something embarrassing but to me , it was fun.)
At night i accompanied my granny to her neighbour's house for doa selamat and then we ate satay and roti jala. Then we went home. The next morning my dad fetched me and i arrived home safely at noon.
Btw, i gotta learn how to sew and use the sewing machine. Alamak setakat mesin jahit baju tepi je dah action... takpe at least something.
FYI: saje balik kampung sebab nak belajar menjahit and TESCO kat kampung ni baru buka so baru first time visit tu yang jakun semacam. Pardon.
Wasalam <3
**extra: idky means i don't know why