Hi i have less than a week to be at home then my second semester will start. Some of my friends have to dismiss. That's really sad. I wanted to watch Breaking Dawn 2 but i have no friends to go with. So, i'm kinda have nothing to do and play on Daikoku Danji songs again and again. I Love them the most. I'm a loyal fan but not fully dedicated and devoted one :( Some of my girlfriends have bfs now. I'm still single and that's fine to me :D i like Park hyunchul . lol i dont know why i ship him so much hahahahaha I like pepero and churros the most. my favourite candies ever since i stopped eating candies at 13 coz it's juz a normal thing for me. i dont know why. i juz stopped. I hate chewing gums and things that i have to chew a lot including keropok (things that can cause 'damage' to my jaw lol) I freaking love Seoul and Itaewon is my place. Just like my private playground. i just have chemistry with some places and Seoul is at #1 stage hehehe Basically i spent most of my time in ze haus. Nothing much i hv done; chores, cooking bla bla bla. That's fun but somehow i can get bored too. I'm taking arabic (if Allah wills) and if i did it, arabic will be my 4th language right after malay, english and korean. errrr can i include indonesian? coz ya'know it does similar to malay .___. dare to say. ok i'm crapping now <3 iHeart Daikoku Danji, TTYL <3

Pepero ^^ i like green the most
Churros at Lotte World is the most delicious one
I was in Seoul
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