Assalamualaikum and hello. Everyday people from all over the world won’t stop talking about beauty but do u and they know what the meaning of beauty is actually? The word beauty itself has a very deep meaning. Please don’t misuse it and simply use it. It can be a very expensive word and also a very cheap word. How it could be? It is up to you as a user to use it.
“Is she pretty?” “do I look pretty?” “I don’t think she’s pretty.” Do u know how power is it a word can change everything? Do u know? I am an insecure and I am not embarrassed to admit it. I know I am not pretty and beautiful. But I don’t mind because I have one mission which is STUDY. Well, I don’t wanna lie that sometimes the insecure feeling comes bang me and bother me. It is like a voice whispering into my ears saying and torturing me with words that can make my self-confidence towards my appearance decrease. It still bothers me. I am not lying. I am a very very very insecure girl (bcoz of my appearance). I don’t care what people wanna say about me but I am honest that I am an insecure girl. Who cares? When people start to talk about beauty, I feel like asking that person “do u know what is the meaning of beauty?”
PRETTY & BEAUTIFUL. They sound similar but if u know what are the meanings, you’ll use it correctly in the future. To me, I define those words differently. To me pretty is something that we can see with our naked eyes BUT beautiful is something abstract that we can’t even see with our naked eyes but with our heart (our inside & spiritual). I’d never admit I am pretty and beautiful coz I know who am i. I started to not bother about the feeling that will bang me that will make my self-confidence decrease. This is because it is not important to me. Studies are more important to me.
So, if people ask me whether the guy or girl is handsome or pretty, actually I don’t wanna answer as I don’t know who is the person and I don’t wanna simply judge him/her by appearance. Like what people say “Don’t judge book by it covers”.
To me, inside is the most important. His heart. Her heart. As I am a girl, I’ll talk about guys. I started to realize that appearance is actually not important and what becomes my priority to choose a man (to become a husband) is his Islam, his responsibility, his love, his care, his honesty, his language, his attitude and his smile. I am super mad when people say the guy / girl is not pretty juz by judging their appearances. What is this? What’s going on with this world?
I know even though the guy is not handsome at all or the girl is not pretty at all, but who are we to say like that? Allah says everyone is the same. What makes them different is their amalan. I honestly wanna say this, even though the guy / girl is freaking ugly I don’t mind to be friend with the guy/ girl because everyone is the same. Actually, we need to open our eyes widely before we judge people. Like what my dad always said “Think before u talk”. To me banyak mana pun jerawat, jeragat, kesan bakar, gelap , putih or whatever or buruk mana pun orang tu, pada saya, semua sama. Semua saya nak kawan sebab semua orang ada pengalaman hidup yang berbeza-beza and that's interesting. Everyone is manusia. Al-insan. Semua pun saya kawan dan nak berkawan. Saya tak kisah. Tak kisah lah tak cantik or tak handsome pun tapi mungkin dia comel, ada gigi lawa, bertanggungjawab, baik hati, berbudi bahasa, suka senyum, penyayang, itu semua sudah mencukupi. That’s enough.
Saya pun mengaku saya ni tak lawa, tak cantik, kulit pun entah pape je, tak baik hati pun, mulut laser juga kadang-kadang, hitam, gelap, pergi dermatologist lah, new york skin solution lah, macam2 saya ikhtiar tapi saya tak boleh kutuk lebih2 sebab itu semua Allah dah beri kat saya dan saya haruslah bersyukur.Saya tahu perasaan org yg dihina disebabkan tak cantik / handsome je. (lol mcm buat dosa besar). I now the feelings of being insulted bcoz I faced it before. I don’t wanna tell what I faced and it was my history that I can say it’s kinda destroy my self-confidence and almost everything but I got up again. Alhamdulillah lah saya ada anggota badan yang lengkap. Itu dah mencukupi. Allahu Akbar. Manusia memang lah tak perfect. Betul kan?
So, what I really wanna stress on is, beauty is a one heavy word and please please please don’t misuse it. It might hurts others but at the same time it might makes others happy too. So, Think before u do it. Wassalam <3
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Kecantikan bukan terletak pada rupa paras....
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